counseling session

Naked and Hiding?

Naked and hiding is a state of existence for every human being who has ever lived with the exception of one. This phrase comes from a passage of the Bible in Genesis 3:10 stating,

And he (Adam) said “I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself.”

It is interesting how Adam and Eve had this relationship with God, one that consisted of hanging out talking together in the cool of the evening, walking through the garden, sitting on the porch swing, laughing, enjoying each other’s presence with a cold glass of lemonade in hand. And yet when the serpent came along to deceive this newly created couple, they chose to believe what the Evil was telling them rather than their loving Father whom they knew. God was not only their Father but their Creator and the One who gave them everything in the beautiful world they lived in.

This forbidden fruit was a “delight to the eyes” but soon turned into the regret of their betrayal. Adam and Eve, having never felt guilt, shame, anger, sadness, and hopelessness was now consumed with it. What are you to do when you commit such a heinous betrayal against the one you love? You hide. You hide physically (flee, avoidance), emotionally (by disengaging, stonewalling or disassociating with alcohol, drugs, food, television and video games) and spiritually (through separation and cutting off communion).

In the process of finding our hiding spot we begin to blame others within our hearts. Blame is finding someone else to bear our shame which partially empty’s us from feeling accused. I know if I am good at anything it is blaming and very skillfully justifying my actions so that people know this negative happening has nothing to do with my doing.

We often do this. It looks different from Adam and Eve hiding behind some bushes and sewing some leaves together to cover private parts. You can bet when God came around the corner of the Garden, He saw everything hanging out. I mean everything. Adam and Eve were no longer clothed with His glory and I am sure it was not a pretty sight. You and me, we are much more sophisticated in our hiding, why we have even convinced ourselves that we are not naked. However, often times I think we are the only one’s blind to our nude soul.

This site is dedicated to thoughts, meditations, and soul care surrounding how we try to hide from our nakedness, how we try to comfort ourselves when we feel or are accused, and how we can be redeemed, unashamed and clothed in Christ’s righteousness.